In August of 2004, God rescued Travis from a life of rebellion and destruction. Two weeks later, he met Charis, who became the living word of grace in his life. Travis graduated from Asbury College in 2006 and married Charis in 2007. For the next two years, Travis and Charis served on staff at Grace Community Church in Bryan, Ohio before returning to Kentucky in 2009. Travis enrolled in the Master of Education program at Asbury and began teaching as a middle school math teacher at Jessamine County’s alternative school, The Providence School. In December of 2014, Travis and Charis welcomed their beautiful daughter Zion into their family. Zion’s birth signified the birthing of a call to ministry that was the fulfillment of a ten-year training and preparation season. Shortly thereafter, Dwelling Ministries was initiated, and the Board hired Travis as the President and Executive Director. Travis is a natural leader and teacher with giftings in spiritual discernment and prophetic insight. He has a call to ignite others with a desire for God and intimate knowledge of the love of Jesus.
Charis is originally from Jonestown, Pennsylvania. However, Kentucky, (along with Travis), has captured her heart and become her home. Charis graduated with her Bachelor’s from Asbury College in 2007, graduated with her Master’s from Eastern Kentucky University in 2011, and worked in the Jessamine County school system as a school counselor until 2014. Charis is gifted in administration, hospitality, and shepherding. She longs to see all people walk in the fulfillment of their God-given callings. Charis loves cooking, traveling, singing, hosting, mothering, and “wifering”. She and Travis live in Wilmore with their beautiful, opinionated, and wild toddler girl, Zion.